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What is Health at every size (HAES)®?The Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH) and Size Inclusive Health Australia affirm a holistic definition of health, which cannot be characterised as simply the absence of physical or mental illness, limitation, or disease. Rather, health exists on a continuum that varies with time and circumstance for each individual. Health should be conceived as a resource or capacity available to all regardless of health condition or ability level, and not as an outcome or objective of living. Pursuing health is neither a moral imperative nor an individual obligation, and health status should never be used to judge, oppress, or determine the value of an individual. The framing for a Health At Every Size (HAES®) approach comes out of discussions among healthcare workers, consumers, and activists who reject both the use of weight, size, or BMI as proxies for health, and the myth that weight is a choice. The HAES® model is an approach to both policy and individual decision-making. It addresses broad forces that support health, such as safe and affordable access. It also helps people find sustainable practices that support individual and community well-being. The HAES® approach honors the healing power of social connections, evolves in response to the experiences and needs of a diverse community, and grounds itself in a social justice framework. In 2003, when ASDAH formed, the first version of the Health at Every Size® Principles was created based on existing related frameworks. The principles were revised in 2013 and again most recently in 2024. The Health at Every Size® Framework of Care was created in 2024 by ASDAH. Health at Every Size® is an ever-evolving model and HAES®-aligned Providers are committed to the continuous learning to stay up-to-date. The Health At Every Size® Principles are:
Health at Every Size® Framework of CareThe Heath at Every Size® Framework of Care was developed by ASDAH from 2022-2024 to serve as a roadmap for Healthcare Providers to become Health at Every Size®-aligned. These core elements are equally necessary in the provision of Health at Every Size®-aligned care, and while they are numbered for ease of referencing each item, there is no hierarchy. They can be thought of as trusses of a bridge, each one vital for the stability of the framework. Without any one of these, Health at Every Size®-aligned care is not possible. None of these are static. Ongoing learning is required to stay up-to-date and continuously improve HAES®-aligned care. 1. Grounding in liberatory frameworks: Health at Every Size® is not a liberatory framework or social justice movement in and of itself, but rather aims to align with other movements in order to further the journey towards liberation for all. We remain committed to the ongoing learning from liberation thought-leaders in Black liberation, fat liberation, crip/disability justice, queer liberation, womanism, intersectional feminism, and many more known and not-yet-known movements working towards the liberation of all people. Without this commitment, our work risks contributing to the oppression of the most marginalized in the pursuit of a false sense of liberation for the few.2. Patient Bodily Autonomy: While this concept is more readily applied in healthcare settings as a patient’s right to refuse medical procedures, it is less commonly applied to a patient’s right to choose how they proceed with a treatment plan after being provided with all options and informed of known (and unknown) risks and benefits. Most restrictions based on BMI and the pervasive practice of refusing care until some other criteria is met (e.g. weight loss, trying ‘lifestyle’ intervention first, trying a certain treatment before considering other options, etc.) are violations of patient autonomy in most cases. Health at Every Size®-aligned providers honour patient autonomy in the broadest possible way when ethical to do so.3. Informed Consent: Patients have the right to informed consent. This concept is also common in the current healthcare system, but is not practiced through the lens of liberation for all. Informed consent must include what we don’t know just as much as what we do know. For example, researchers often exclude people in certain BMI ranges from studies on treatment effectiveness, leading to gaps in our medical knowledge. Fatphobic and healthist ideas influence what we believe is the best course of treatment, or even whether or not providers share certain information. Instead, informed consent must be provided without bias and with a focus on patient autonomy.4. Compassionate Care: Compassionate care for our patients is about developing empathy (not pity) for the huge range of life experiences that influences an individual’s health status and their relationship to health and the healthcare system. Health at Every Size®-aligned providers seek out stories different from our own to broaden our understanding of the world and the diversity of experiences it contains so that care is provided through the ever-expanding lens of compassion for our patients.5. Critical analysis, application, and execution of research & medical recommendations related to weight: Anti-fat bias has played a profound role in shaping the medical research and recommendations widely used in today’s healthcare system. One of the main roots of the current Health at Every Size® community was a group of fat activists known collectively as the Fat Underground who began questioning their healthcare experiences and the advice they received from healthcare professionals. They discovered the research on health and weight was not aligned with the recommendations from their healthcare professionals. The issues they brought to light persist today, and in many cases have worsened. Providers must consider the way weight bias has influenced the research design and interpretation of studies underlying their training, clinical recommendations, and policy that impacts fat people.6. Skills and equipment to provide compassionate and comprehensive care for fat people’s bodies: Developing empathy for others is only one part of providing compassionate care. Providers must also develop the skills to provide care in compassionate and comprehensive ways and provide equipment designed for the full range of fat bodies. From learning appropriate ways to handle asking for a weight to physical exams on larger bodies to skills for administering various treatments on larger bodies, providers must learn what is necessary for Health at Every Size®-aligned care that their training did not cover.7. Provider Roles and Responsibilities: Health at Every Size®-aligned providers apply ethical and liberatory frameworks to understanding their roles and responsibilities when providing care. This is especially important when the current medical system is set up so that providers hold the keys to accessing many forms of care. Additionally, Health at Every Size®-aligned providers have an ethical framework to guide them in understanding how they will support patients in ways that support harm reduction in a weight biased world.8. Tools that support wellbeing and healing without contributing to oppression: Health at Every Size®-aligned providers are equipped with tools that support patient health goals without the pursuit of weight loss. This includes relearning tools co-opted by the weight loss industry like nutrition and physical activity, as well as learning the tools to help our patients reframe their relationship with food and movement in alignment with their values. Health at Every Size®-aligned providers learn about and offer treatments for various health conditions that don’t rely on weight loss.9. Addressing Your Anti-Fat Bias: Providers must examine their internalised and externalised biases related to weight, including fat providers. Everyone holds biases, and addressing our beliefs, attitudes, and practices that may be rooted in bias is critical for making space for a Health at Every Size®-aligned practice.10. Addressing Systemic Anti-Fat Bias: Health at Every Size® Providers are committed to the ongoing work of addressing systemic anti-fat bias. From our colleagues to workplace and government policy, we must be committed to abolishing the BMI, dismantling the Medical Industrial Complex, and creating the conditions for care of all people to be fully realised. | The Association for Size Diversity and Health holds the Trademark for both terms 'Health at Every Size®' and 'HAES®' in the USA. Health at Every Size® (HAES®) has been trademarked to ensure correct use. We recommend reading the guidelines provided by ASDAH when looking to use the terms Health at Every Size® as the term 'Health at Every Size®' and 'HAES®' are registered Trademarks of the Association of Size Diversity and Health. Full guidelines for the use of the trademark can be found here. |
Glossary of terms | Weight-neutral: an intervention or service where weight change or weight control is not an intended outcome, and that trials have shown to have a negligible impact on body weight. Weight-centric: an intervention, service or perspective where body weight change or body weight control is considered necessary or desirable. Size Acceptance: unconditional acceptance of the past, current and future body weight and shape of yourself and others. Size Diversity: Humans are a biologically diverse species, with great variation in factors including height, weight and body composition. Even with the most health-supporting environment (timely medical care, no poverty, affordable & accessible nourishing foods, opportunities for physical activity etc) the population would still be physically diverse. Size Inclusive: a service or intervention that caters for and welcomes people of all shapes and sizes. Body Positive: a service, intervention or perspective where people of all body shapes, appearances, abilities, races (and other characteristics used to marginalise people) are considered unconditionally worthy of respect and care. Weight bias: the medical preference for BMIs between 18.5 and 25, and assessment that a BMI over 25 is 'unhealthy'. In the same vein, both terms 'overweight' and 'obesity' are a direct result of weight bias because they are BMI based rather than being determined by an individual's pathophysiology. Thin bias: the social preference for thinner bodies which is also related to western social constructs of beauty ideals and appearance standards. Anti-fat bias: Rejection of the appearance or perception of body fat (including on smaller bodies) and can extend to disdain for body composition fat percentage above a given number. A focus on becoming leaner alongside or instead of performance goals in sport is also an example of this kind of bias. Fat Stigma: the negative social consequences of thin bias. This can include being catcalled, romantically rejected, infantised, harassed, bullied, dehumanised and humiliated due to having a larger body size. Fat stigma is most corrosive to someone's sense of self when it occurs in the family of origin. If the larger-bodied person agrees with the negative beliefs attributed to their body they have developed internalised fat (or weight) stigma. Fat stigma is reinforced by negative portrayals of people with larger bodies in the news and entertainment media, for example the 'headless fatty' images that typically accompany news stories about 'obesity' and the ubiquitous fat-to-thin personal transformation narrative. Weight stigma: the negative interpersonal consequences of weight bias in medical and healthcare settings. For example, a primary care provider (eg GP) who berates a client for their weight, dismisses their primary complaint to discuss their weight, advises weight loss for a condition that a smaller-bodied person would receive a different treatment for, assumes that someone with a larger body has a sedentary lifestyle or poor eating habits (without actually assessing either), assumes poor health literacy based on body weight etc. The consequences of weight stigma (understandably) include avoidance of healthcare services, diminished sense of self worth, shame, missed/delayed diagnosis of serious illness and exacerbation of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Weight stigma also affects people outside of health and medical contexts, such as social settings e.g. family and friends, and community settings e.g. public transport, shops, gyms, schools, workplaces, which affect people's ability to participate in activities that benefit their health and well-being. Size Discrimination: when access to services or activities differs between larger and smaller bodied people. For example, if access to IVF services is arbitrarily limited due to BMI instead of functional testing, when access to adoption services are based on potential parents' BMIs, when joint replacement surgery based on BMI instead of strength and function tests. |
Weight neutral approaches are experiencing a rapid growth period in research right now, although the foundational work began in the 1950s when intentional weight loss was first recognised as unlikely to be sustained, and social justice movements during the 1960's recognised clear discrimination against people with larger bodies.
These academic articles will get you started:
Tylka, Tracy L., et al. "The weight-inclusive versus weight-normative approach to health: Evaluating the evidence for prioritizing well-being over weight loss." Journal of Obesity 2014 (2014). Rothblum, Esther D. "Slim chance for permanent weight loss." Archives of Scientific Psychology 6.1 (2018): 63.SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS OF WEIGHT NEUTRAL INTERVENTIONS
Schaefer, Julie T., and Amy B. Magnuson. "A review of interventions that promote eating by internal cues." Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 114.5 (2014): 734-760.